Has your child been diagnosed with Coeliac Disease? Are you feeling overwhelmed about what to do now?

Coeliac Kids Online is here to help!

Presented by a well known and experienced Paediatric Dietitian, Miriam Raleigh, brings you accurate information and practical suggestions to make this overwhelming time a lot less daunting.

Don't wait for an appointment, sign up now and get started right away! This course brings you reliable information with lots of practical tips and tricks to help you transition your child onto a gluten free diet.

About Miriam Raleigh

Paediatric Dietitian

Miriam Raleigh

This is the instructor section. You can use this space to tell and show your students who you are and why you're the perfect person to teach the course you're offering. You can talk about your work and education history, and really anything else that shows off who you are so your students get excited about learning from you. You're the expert after all, this is your chance to shine!

What do Australia's Top Paediatric Gastroenterologists think?

5 star rating

Great On-Demand Resource

Jeremy Rosenbaum

Miriam is an expert on coeliac disease and has produced an excellent, on-demand resource which provides a thorough education and advice for patients and thei...

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Miriam is an expert on coeliac disease and has produced an excellent, on-demand resource which provides a thorough education and advice for patients and their families on how to manage coeliac disease.

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star rating

Once your child has confirmed Coeliac Disease, it is essential that you get them started on a gluten free diet right away to get their gut healing. The sooner you start, the sooner they will be feeling better, have more energy, less abdominal pains,  grow and thrive!

What does Coeliac Kids Online Include?

  • 1

    Welcome to the Coeliac Kids Online!

    • Introduction to Coeliac Kids Online

    • What are we going to cover?

    • A couple of questions before you begin...

  • 2

    Session 1 - The Gluten Free Diet

    • The What, Where and How of a Gluten Free Diet

    • Test your learning - Gluten Free Basics

    • Session 1 - What is a Gluten Free Diet Summary Handout

  • 3

    Session 2 - Gluten Free Label Reading

    • Navigating The Supermarket Shelves

    • Test your learning - Gluten Free Label Reading

    • Session 2 - Label Reading Summary Handout

  • 4

    Bonus Session - Eating Away from Home

    • What To Eat When You're Not in Control of the Kitchen

    • Bonus Session - Eating Away From Home Summary Handout

  • 5

    Next steps

    • Congrats you have finished the course! So, what now?

    • Food Diary Form

    • Make a Booking Today

    • Before you go...

Don't wait weeks for an appointment!

Let me help you to get your child started on a gluten free diet TODAY! 

All of this, 100% online and on demand and all for less than the cost of an initial appointment!